What is WTR?

The World’s Toughest Row is an annual Pacific Ocean rowing race that spans 2800 nm from Monterey Bay, CA to Hanalei Bay, HI. Up to 20 teams from around the world will be rowing entirely self-supported, facing all the challenges of open sea while embarking on the journey of a lifetime.

  • WTR is run by Atlantic Campaigns, a world class organization that has been facilitating ocean rowing races since 2012. Notorious for their Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge, Atlantic Campaigns had their inaugural WTR-Pacific Row in 2023. With over a decade of successful crossings to their name, we are excited to have such an honorable organization behind us throughout this journey of a lifetime!

  • Fundraising, certifications, training rows, oh my! Over the course of 18-24 months, the teams partaking in WTR undergo a variety of prepwork in order to get to the start line. Acquiring necessary funds to support their journey via fundraising/sponsorships, participating in various ocean rowing courses, purchasing/maintaining equipment, and logging training hours in the ocean rowing vessel are among some of the tasks athletes undertake in their journey to the start line.

  • Shore Thing’s mission is to row safely from CA to HI, growing through the challenges we face while inspiring others to pursue their own passions fearlessly, whatever they may be